Related Recipes
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- Posted By: Samadrita Banerjee
Butter cookies are a classic baked good that can be found in many cultures worldwide, such as the Danish butter cookies, which are popular all over Europe. They are believed to have originated in Scotland in the 19th century.
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- Posted By: Samadrita Banerjee
This apple cake recipe has its roots in Europe, where apples have been a staple ingredient in many traditional desserts for centuries. In Germany, apple cake is known as “Apfelkuchen”.
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- Posted By: Kasturi Banerjee
Blueberry pancake is a classic breakfast dish that is easy to make and its taste bursts into your mouth. It was, most likely, first made by the Native Americans, who learned to appreciate the abundance of the delicious fruit and incorporated it into their own cooking.
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- Posted By: Kasturi Banerjee
Thandai is a refreshing Holi festival speciality drink in India. It is crafted with sliced and grounded dry fruits, saffron, a few authentic and exotic spices with a flavoured, sweet milk base.