
Kue Cubit or The Indonesian Pinch Cake

Kue cubits are South-East Asian mini cupcakes that are known to have originated in Indonesia. Very popular among kids and grown-ups alike, they are available with toppings of different flavours, such as vanilla, chocolate, coffee, mango, jackfruit, durian, green tea and more. We will use an oven, but they are generally baked on stovetops in Indonesia. If you visit Jakarta or nearby cities, you may spot many roadside stalls selling the cakes. 

You can bake these cakes very easily at home and store for a couple of days. You can use any topping of your choice. You can also use jelly for topping if you are in a hurry. 

Kue Cubit: Ingredients

  • Granulated sugar – ¾ cup
  • Egg – 3
  • All-purpose flour – 2
  • Baking powder -1tbsp
  • Baking soda – ½ tbsp
  • Salt – ¼ tsp
  • Vanilla extract – 1tbsp.
  • Full cream milk – ½ cup
  • Unsalted butter, melted, slightly cooled- 3tbsp 
  • Vegetable oil for greasing the pan 

You will also need to have chocolate sprinkles, granulated pieces of chocolate cookies, shredded coconut, cheddar cheese etc. for making a creamy topping.

Kue Cubit: Baking procedure

  1. Beat eggs in a mixing bowl until the volume of the beaten eggs increases and the thick liquid becomes fluffy

  2. Add sugar into the mixing bowl, whip the mixture until the sugar is completely blended

  3. Add baking powder, baking soda and salt. Whip the mixture. Add the vanilla and butter and continue whipping until all ingredients blend well

  4. Add ¼ cup of flour to the mixture and whip until a smooth batter is formed. If the batter becomes too thick, add ½ cup milk to make it smoother

  5. Cover and let the batter rest for about 1 hour

  6. Take the muffin pan and flick its inside gently with vegetable oil. Make sure that the inside is slicked evenly so that the cake doesn’t stick once you are done baking

  7. Preheat oven and place the muffin pan inside for 10 minutes

  8. While waiting for preheating the muffin pan, place the mixture batter in a zip lock bag and then cut off the 1side of the bag only

  9. Once the preheating has been done take it out of the oven and fill up each cavity of the muffin pan with the batter till it is ⅓ full

  10. Place the pan in the oven for baking for about 7 minutes

  11. After 7 minutes, take the pan out and top it up with shredded cheese and  chocolate sprinkles

  12. Put the pan back in the oven and bake until you can insert a toothpick firmly into a cake. If you can, remove the pan and allow it to cool down. Repeat this step until the batter has been completely used.

Remember, If you want to use jelly for topping, be quick in the 2nd phase of baking, that is step 12– since jelly will melt in heat. In that case, make the first phase of baking, that is step 10,  longer by about 2 minutes. 

Kue Cubit cupcakes are an excellent choice for packing into kids’ lunchboxes. You can even store them for 2-3 days but not more.