
How to Make Healthy Chicken Nuggets at Home

Often on those coveted trips to fast-food joints, most parents feel the guilt pangs while buying chicken nuggets for kids that they are so mad about. We even avoid ready-to-fry chicken nuggets since we have been told they are unhealthy. Surely, eating processed and preserved meat is not conducive to health. But, what if we just make it ourselves. Homemade chicken nuggets? Sounds amazing, isn’t it? Here’s one recipe that’s capable of making Supermoms win love and blessings of their kids for the next few centuries.  

Let’s recreate our favourite snack without any harm caused.

Food facts
Type: Snack
Preparation time: 180 minutes
Cooking time: 20 minutes
Cuisine: American
Servings: 4 

Homemade Chicken Nuggets: Ingredients- to make about 40 nuggets

  • Boneless chicken (already minced)-  500 g
  • Soy sauce- 2 tbsp 
  • Ginger- garlic paste- 4 tbsp
  • Mixture of white & black pepper powder- 1tbsp
  • Salt to taste
  • Bread crumbs- 250 grams
  • Sunflower oil- 8 tbsps
  • Slices bread tore into small pieces: 5
  • Egg batter- of 5 eggs

Homemade Chicken Nuggets: Cooking procedure

  • Mix chicken, the bread pieces, soy sauce, ginger-garlic paste, white-and-black pepper dust and salt for making a smooth paste in using a mixture-grinder. You may ask why is it necessary to add the bread pieces. Bread brings in the much necessary cohesiveness or viscidity to the paste so that the nuggets won’t break while being fried at high temperature 
  • Then put the paste in a flat plate and put them inside the fridge for about 2-3 hrs. Don’t put it into the deep-freezer by mistake

  • On cooling, the paste will acquire a semi-solid form. Next, use either your hands or spoon to create the nuggets– give them shapes of your choice

  • Take the properly shaped nuggets and dip them into egg-batter. Then carefully put the nuggets onto the bread crumbs kept in a flat plate. Gently roll the nuggets to coat them with the crumbs. Repeat this process for about 3 times until the coating is firm enough
  • Heat oil in a frying pan on medium flame till it’s just about to boil. Fry the nuggets gently until they turn golden brown. Serve them hot. Garnish with freshly cut cucumbers and tomato or chilli sauce. 

It’s time to give yourself a high five for creating healthy and tasty nuggets that don’t contain processed meat.